Misc Texte

Wilde Dildo-Dystopien & Rezensionen & Feed(s)

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Beautiful You

„Beautiful You is a novel by Chuck Palahniuk, released October 21, 2014. It is set in New York City and follows the main character, Penny, who finds herself the object of affection of a Digital Age tycoon named C. Linus Maxwell, known to the Manhattan elite as „Cli-Max well“.“ [‚References‘ entfernt]


Unterhaltsam, schrill, fliegende Dildo-Raketen, satirisch-komisch… Die Rezensionen, die ich vorher dazu gelesen hatte, waren nicht motivierend, eher abtörnend… apropos Rezensionen:

Only Americans Burn in Hell

About the book


It’s 2019 and America is ruled over by a billionaire reality TV star. Its media is owned by a transnational class of the shameless and the depraved. And its people have been silently robbed of their wealth, their dignity and their democracy.

In this brave new world, going to see a superhero movie counts as activism, and arguing with the other serfs on social media is political engagement. BUT EVERYTHING’S FINE – as long as you never, ever ask yourself who makes money from the ticket sales and the ratings, or who owns Twitter.“

(Only Americans Burn in Hell – Jarett Kobek)

An Rezensionen zu dem Text kann ich mich nicht erinnern. Jedoch an den Rant des Autors in dem Text über Rezensionen 🙂

Und, nachdem ich die Video-Serie The Feed durchgebinged hatte:


„Feed (Anderson novel)

Feed (2002) is a young adult dystopian novel of the cyberpunk subgenre written by M. T. Anderson. The novel focuses on issues such as corporate power, consumerism, information technology, data mining, and environmental decay, with a sometimes sardonic, sometimes somber tone.“ [Verlinkungen entfernt]


Fehlen tut mir jetzt noch der eigentliche The Feed feed:

The Feed

The Feed – A Novel by Nick Clark Windo

The Feed is accessible everywhere, by everyone, at any time. It instantaneously links us to all information and global events as they break. Every interaction, every emotion, every image can be shared through it; it is the essential tool everyone relies on to know and understand the thoughts and feelings of partners, parents, friends, children, colleagues, bosses, employees . . . in fact, of anyone and everyone else in the world.“
